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Call of Paper GF-IHSS Day

Appel à Contribution – Journée IHSS-FranceLe vendredi 19 juillet à Toulon

Le Groupe Français IHSS organise une journée spécifique autour de la MO dans le cadre du Workshop WOMS13 (WorkShop on Organic Matter Spectroscopy). Cette journée s’organisera autour des thèmes suivants :

– Analyse des MON et suivi en milieu naturel (monitoring)

– Role des MON dans le transport/mobilité des métaux

– Rôle des MON dans le transport/mobilité des contaminants organiques

– Rôle des MON dans la dégradation (photo-induites/biodégradation) des contaminants

– Transport des MON vers les aquifères, i.e. stockage des MON dans les sols !

– Dynamique temporelle et spatiale de la MON en milieu naturel (mobilité/réactivité) ???

Il sera possible de participer à cette journée de 3 manières :

– En simple participant, pour cela il suffira de s’inscrire en ligne pour la journée à partir du site

– En présentant un poster : Pour cela, transmettre un résumé d’une page en format pdf, avec le titre les auteurs et leurs affiliations pour la constitution du programme à (prévoir le logo IHSS sur le poster). Le bureau fera une sélection des propositions en fonction du nombre de panneau disponible pour la manifestation. Si vous participez également aux trois journées woms13, les posters seront exposés en même temps que ceux du woms13, bénéficiant d’une audience plus large.

– En faisant une présentation orale : Pour cela, transmettre également un résumé d’une page en format pdf, avec le titre les auteurs et leurs affiliations pour la constitution du programme à Le bureau fera une sélection des propositions, et pourra vous proposer en fonction du nombre de créneaux et de la qualité du sujet, de transformer votre contribution en poster.

Les langues officielles de la journée GF-IHSS sont le français et l’anglais, les participants du WOMS13 ont également la possibilité d’assister au présentation de l’IHSS.

Les résumés sont à transmettre avant la mi-mars – Résultat des sélections mi-mai

Le Groupe Français IHSS donnera la préférence aux travaux présentés par des doctorant-es portant sur les thématiques de la journée, ou à des communications de chercheur-es chevronné-es présentant un travail d’ordre général apportant un éclairement et une avancée pour la recherche actuelle sur la matière organique.

Tarifs (hors logements et extra) :

Participation à la journée seulement (1 jours)

Participation à la journée GF-IHSS et au WOMS13 (4 jours) :

Réduction Membre IHSS (donner n° adhérent)





Etudiant-es / Sans Emploi




Logement : Il sera possible de réserver une chambre au CLOUS de l’université de Toulon à condition de valider sa participation avant fin avril.

Repas : Il est prévu un repas-buffet le midi sur le lieu de la conférence.

Plan d’accès :

Par Train : Arrivée à la Gare SNCF de Toulon puis prendre le train ligne 191 à partir de la place de la liberté (20 min)

Par Avion : Arrivée Aéroport de Hyère-Toulon. Puis prendre un taxi ou ligne 103 arrêt Université (env. 30 min)

En voiture : En arrivant de Marseille : Traverser Toulon, suivre l’autoroute et prendre la sortie Université.

En arrivant de Nice, prendre la sortie n°6 La bastide Verte.


WOMS18 site :

The WOMS18 will takes place at the Vacanciel at Carqueiranne city. All will be provides on place.

If you want to manage your own place you can contact the following nearby hotels :

  •         Hôtel LE VAL D’AZUR:  3 Impasse de la Valérane – 83320 Carqueiranne

                Tel: +33 (0)6 09 07 23 87 – – link

  •         Hôtel Richiardi : Port des Salettes – 18, avenue Elie Gautier – CARQUEIRANNE 83320

                Tel:+33 (0)4 94 58 50 13 – – link

  •         Hôtel Port Hélène : 3658 Route de l’Almanarre à HYERES LES PALMIERS (83400)

                 Tel: +33 (0)4 94 57 72 01 – – link


By plane :


Toulon Airport (20 min) :

Take a Taxi or an UBER.

On 23th afternoon a WOMS18 bus will take you to the conference site (contact us).

On 26th afternoon a WOMS18 bus will take you the the airport or the train station


By train :

You can arrive by train at Toulon city ( and then, take the bus line 39 from Bus Station until the bus stop « Valérane » (around 1h). The ticket price is 1.40€.





You can find a link to the bus network Mistral here.

On 23th afternoon a WOMS18 bus will take you to the conference site (contact us).

On 26th afternoon a bus will take you the the airport or the train station



PARAFAC contest

This year will be organised a EEM decomposition contest

Several set of EEM data (natural data, synthetic data and lab data) including specific challenge (overlap, low intensity, noise…) and each participant will blindly process the data.

The results will be compared in term of decomposition, (number and shape of component), efficiency and rapidity. Participant can use any algorithm included CP/PARAFAC.

The results of this inter comparison exercice will be the starting point of an article dealing with the inter-user decomposition, algorithm efficiency and recommendation.

will your decomposition be the best ! Decompose and play, it’s free, fun and instructive !

Submission Process

WOMS 2018 seeks to offer broad coverage of the field including most recent developments in both theory and applications.

Submissions of comprehensive overviews of methodological advancements are strongly encouraged, as well as papers dealing with environmental applications.

All submissions will be peer reviewed by the scientific committee. Submitted communications should not have been published or be under review elsewhere.

The submission should be about 2 pages in total in .pdf format. The abstract has to contain title (font size 14, bold), the authors (font size 12), and their affiliation , and the mail of the corresponding author (font size 10). The abstract could contain graph, figure, table and reference article. (Exemple_Abstract)

The abstract submission have to be send by the internet application of the site until end of May 2018.

Once your submission will be selected for a talk, speed talk or a poster, the final acceptation will depend on the validation of the inscription process.

Deadline is end of May 2018

Submission Form

Be carreful, once your submission is selected for a talk, a speed talk or a poster, the final validation and inscription into the program will depend on the finalization of the inscription process.

Deadline is end of may 2018

    * : required fields

    First Name* :

    Last Name*:

    Email* :

    Position / Title* :

    Affiliation* (University, ....) :

    I want to participate to the PARAFAC contest :

    My contribution to the WOMS18 concerns the topic :
    1-EEMs treatment2-In situ EEMs3-EEMs Tensor and Environmental application4-EEMs and future5-Other

    Submission type :
    PosterTalk 20'Speed Talk 10'

    Upload submission (max size files : 18Mb) :

    Thank you to reproduce the text from the image above before submitting the form:

    Scientific Committee

    The Scientific Board (alphabetical order)

    M. Bieroza (Upsala) – Sweden , E. Carstea (NIRDO, Magurele) – Romania  P. Comon (GIPSA Lab, Grenoble) – France M. Goutx (MIO) – France , M. Khan (Institute of Surface-Earth System Science,Tianjin) China P. Kowalzuck (IOPAN, Sopot) – Poland  X. Luciani (LSIS, Toulon) – France D. Milori (EMBRAPA, São Carlos) – Brasil S. Mounier (MIO) – France R. Redon (MIO) – France C. Santinelli (CNR Italie) – Italie M. Tedetti Marc (MIO) – France ,  O. Zielinski (ICBM, Oldenburg) – Allemagne .


    M. Bieroza (Upsala) – Sweden  : Researcher at Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala, Sweden). She is a hydrologist and biogeochemist studying  water quality in agricultural catchments subject to eutrophication pressures. Her research focuses on high spatial and temporal resolution dynamics of phosphorus, nitrogen and organic matter in streams and the controlling role of hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Her research on organic matter involves characterization of reactivity with fluorescence and absorbance spectroscopy. URL :


    E. Carstea (NIRDO, Magurele) – Romania  : Research scientist at the National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics, Romania. She studied Biophysics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. In 2010, she obtained her doctorate from the University of Bucharest. Between 2007-2010, as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Birmingham, she studied the use of fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor surface water quality. In 2013, she returned to the University of Birmingham, where she worked as a Marie Curie Fellow on testing the ruggedness of fluorescence spectroscopy in wastewater treatment plants. URL :


    P. Comon (GIPSA Lab, Grenoble) – France Specialist of Signal Processing and Data Science. His recent contributions addressed the existence, uniqueneness, and computation of best low-rank approximation of nonnegtive tensors.


    [1] Y. Qi, P. Comon, and L. H. Lim, « Uniqueness of non-negative tensor approximations”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol.62, no.4, pp.2170-2183, April 2016. Available online at


    M. Goutx (MIO) – France CNRS researcher at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology (MIO) (Marseille, France). She is a biogeochemist studying the dynamics of dissolved (DOM) and particulate (POM) organic matter at physical and biological marine interfaces, and export processes of DOM and POM beyond the euphotic layer as a function of production regimes. She focused on FDOM sensors with the aim to better observe the distribution and the spatial & temporal variability of natural DOM and anthropogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at basins scale. In this area, at the head of Environmental Chemistry team at MIO, she developed, calibrated and validated a new glider-compatible fluorescence sensor (MiniFluo-UV) for measurements of FDOM and dissolved hydrocarbons in marine waters. (web-site)

    [1] Tedetti, M., Joffre, P., Goutx, M. (2013). Development of a field-portable fluorometer based on deep-ultraviolet LEDs for the detection of phenanthrene- and tryptophan-like compounds in natural waters, Sensors and Actuators B, Chemical, 182, 416-423. [2] Cyr, F., Tedetti, M., Besson, F., Beguery, L., Doglioli, A., Petrenko, A. and Goutx, M. (2017) A new glider-compatible optical sensor for dissolved organic matter measurements: test case in the NW Mediterranean Sea, Frontiers, 4 (89).  [3] Goutx M., Tedetti M., Cyr F. 2018 A new glider fluorescence sensor for monitoring dissolved aromatic hydrocarbons near offshore or industrial installations, 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 12-16 Feb, Portland, Oregon, USA.


    M. Khan (Institute of Surface-Earth System Science)  : Professor at the Institute of Surface-Earth System Science, Tianjin University, China. He received his double MS (Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh in 1992; and Earth and Planetary Science, Nagoya University, Japan in 2001) and PhD in 2005 from the Hiroshima University, Japan. Dr. Mostofa worked for eight years (2006-2014) at the IGCAS, first as a Postdoctoral Fellow (2006-2008), and then as an Associate Professor. His research focusses on photobiogeochemistry of organic matter.

    [1] Shammi, M., Pan, X., Mostofa, K. M. G., Zhang, D., & Liu, C. Q. (2017). Photo-flocculation of microbial mat extracellular polymeric substances and their transformation into transparent exopolymer particles: Chemical and spectroscopic evidences. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1–12. [2] Mostofa, K. M. G., Liu, C. Q., Vione, D., Gao, K., & Ogawa, H. (2013). Sources, factors, mechanisms and possible solutions to pollutants in marine ecosystems. Environmental Pollution, 182, 461–478. [3] Mostofa, K. M. G., & Sakugawa, H. (2009). Spatial and temporal variations and factors controlling the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides in rivers. Environmental Chemistry, 6(6), 524–534. [4] Mostofa, K. M. G., Liu, C.-Q., Zhai, W., Minella, M., Vione, D., Gao, K., … Sakugawa, H. (2016). Reviews and Syntheses: Ocean acidification and its potential impacts on marine ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 13(6), 1767–1786. 


    P. Kowalzuck (IOPAN, Sopot) – Poland   : Piotr Kowalczuk studied physical oceanography at the University of Gdansk, Poland. From 1991 he worked as the research technician and later research assistant at the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science, Sopot, Poland. In 2001 he obtained doctorate in the Earth Sciences, with specialization in physical oceanography. From 2001 t0 2003 he worked as the post doc at the Center of Marine Sciences University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA, where he worked on the spectroscopic characterization of Colored Dissolver Matter in the coastal Atlantic Ocean in the South Atlantic Bight. Since 2003 he worked as the associated research scientist and since 2011 assistant professor at the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science, Sopot, Poland. His research interest include marine optics, ocean color remote sensing, and marine biogeochemistry. He has specialized with spectroscopic characterization of colored and fluorescent dissolved organic matter in temperate (Baltic Sea) and Arctic marine waters.


    X. Luciani (LSIS, Toulon) – France : Permanent teaching and researchposition in signal processing at the engineering school of the university of Toulon in France and at the LIS laboratory. Its research interests have been in blind source separation and blind identification based on tensor approaches, algorithms for joint eigenvalue decomposition and Canonical Polyadic Decomposition of tensors (CPD, also known as PARAFAC) and fluorescence spectroscopy [1]. More precisely, in this area his works focus on tensor decompositions of Fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrices (FEEM) and on inner filter effects modeling and correction [2].

    [1] Xavier Luciani, Laurent Albera. Canonical Polyadic Decomposition based on joint eigenvalue decomposition. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Elsevier, 2014, 132, pp. 152-167.

    [2] Jérémy E. Cohen, Pierre Comon, Xavier Luciani. Correcting inner filter effects, a non multilinear tensor decomposition method. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Elsevier, 2016, 150, pp.29-40.


    D. Milori (EMBRAPA, São Carlos) – Brasil  :Physicist, graduated from the University of Sao Paulo, Master and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from IFSC-USP. She has experience on Optical and Photonic methods of analysis, acting on the following subjects: soil organic matter, nutrients and contaminants and plant diseases.


    S. Mounier (MIO) – France  : Researcher at the Mediterrannean Intstitut of Oceanography. He his PhD on Amazon river organic matter fluxes and caracterisation and the Paris VI university. Since he joined the RCMO laboratory in Toulon, belonging PROTEE laboratory, is working on organic matter spectroscopy and interaction with metal in various environments (soils, lakes, seawater, interstitial water, sediment and solids) using PARAFAC decomposition. With R. Redon he is developping the PROGMEEF interface and fluorescence quenching modelling. The last topics focuse on solid surface fluorescence and laser induiced time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy.

    [1] Nouhi, A., Hajjoul, H., Redon, R., Gagné, J. P., & Mounier, S. (2018). Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy of organic ligands by europium: Fluorescence quenching and lifetime properties. Spectrochimica Acta – Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 193.


    R. Redon (MIO) – France : Researcher at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography. In 2000, he joined the LOA laboratory in Toulon, which became the ISO team of the PROTEE laboratory in 2004. He is working on time deconvolution and source decomposition applied on spectroscopic signals (Fluorescence Excitation and Emission Matrices, time-resolved spectra). He is developing progMEEF and progTIME user‑friendly interfaces to visualize and to treat measurements obtained by steady-state spectrofluorimetry and time-resolved laser spectroscopy.

    [1] Mounier, S., Redon, R., Nicolodelli, N., Milori, D. M. B. P. (2017). Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy of tryptophan and fluorescein using laser induced fluorescence and excitation emission matrix fluorescence. RSC Advances 7(88).

    [2] Luciani, X., Redon, R., Mounier, S. (2013). How to correct inner filter effects altering 3D fluorescence spectra by using a mirrored cell. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 126:91–99.


    C. Santinelli (CNR Italie) – Italie  :  a biologist by training, carried out her PhD in chemical oceanography at Pisa university, working on “dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Mediterranean Sea”. She is a researcher at the Biophysics Institute (CNR) and professor of Oceanography at Pisa University. Her research interests focus on dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics in both coastal areas and open sea waters, with particular regards to the role of DOM in the global carbon cycle. She is currently working on optical properties of CDOM, using PARAFAC decomposition, in coastal and open sea water, in rivers and atmospheric depositions.


    M. Tedetti Marc (MIO) – France  : Researcher at IRD-MIO since 2013. His research field is the organic geochemistry of aquatic ecosystems and more particularly the dynamics of organic pollutants and dissolved organic matter in coastal waters. He is currently posted in Tunisia in the framework of a IRD French-Tunisian International Joint Laboratory.

    URLs :


    O. Zielinski (ICBM, Oldenburg) – Allemagne  : Prof. Dr. Oliver Zielinski is director of the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) of the University of Oldenburg and head of the research group “Marine Sensor Systems”. His research activities focus on the development of innovative methods and sensors for marine observation, especially based on optical and acoustic principles. In 1999, he completed his doctorate in physics at the University of Oldenburg. After that, he moved to industry where he became scientific director and CEO of “Optimare Group”, an international supplier of marine sensor systems. In 2005, he was appointed professor at the University of Applied Science in Bremerhaven, Germany. In 2007, he became director of the Institute for Marine Resources (IMARE). After that, he returned to the University of Oldenburg in 2011. His area of research covers marine optics and marine physics, with a special focus on coastal systems, marine sensors and operational observatories while involving different user groups and stakeholders. (URLs : http://www.icbm.de

    [1] Pearlman J, Zielinski O (2017) A new generation of optical systems for ocean monitoring – matrix fluorescence for multifunctional ocean sensing. Sea Technology, 2, pp 30-33

    [2] Miranda ML, Mustaffa NIH, Robinson TB, Stolle C, Ribas-Ribas M, Wurl O, Zielinski O (2018) Influence of solar radiation on biogeochemical parameters and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) in the sea surface microlayer of the southern coastal North Sea. Elem Sci Anth, 6: 15. DOI:




    Organisation Committee

    Organization Committee WOMS 18:

    To contact the organisation board please email to :

    Roland Redon (MIO, UTLN)
    Xavier Luciani (LIS, UTLN)

    Véronique Lenoble (MIO, UTLN)

    Marie Christine Davy (MIO, UTLN)

    Nathalie Patel (MIO, UTLN)

    Stéphane Mounier (MIO, UTLN)

    Frédéric Théraulaz (LCE, AMU)

    Nadège Thirion-Moreau (LIS, UTLN)

    Houssam Hajjoul (MIO, UTLN)

    Madeleine Goutx (MIO, CNRS)

    Marc Tedetti (MIO, IRD)