Schedule WOMS2018

Schedule the following dates to actively participate to the EEM/PARAFAC developpements:

1) January 2018 First Call

2) April Last Call – Deadline Submission

3) May – Talk, speed Talk and Poster selection by the scientific committee

4) Deadline for online inscription – 22 August

5) 23th to 27th October 2018 – WOMS’2018

6) December 2018 – Proceeding and Recommendation


Session 1: « EEMs treatment »:
Calibration of fluorescence raw data, inter-calibration between instruments/methods, IFE corrections, PARAFAC, chemometrics, quantification of FDOM or chemical compounds, interaction

Session 2: « In situ EEMs »
In situ/On line fluorescence measurements and applications, dedicated signal processing tools, Methodology,  Environmental Applications

Session 3: « EEMs and tensors » 
Tensor decompositions and environmental applications, Algorithms and data analysis, Numerical methods for EEM analysis

Session 4: « EEMs  and future challenges »
Solids, Particles and EEMs, Applications, Advanced signal processing tools, Physical theory, laser and time resolved fluorescence